Urbanna Public Notice Archive
Urbanna Town Council
Notice of Special Meeting
Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 11:00 A.M.
Mayor William Goldsmith has called a Special Meeting for Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 11:00 A.M. at the Urbanna Baptist Fellowship Hall – 131 Watling Street in Urbanna, Virginia. The purpose of the meeting is to go into closed meeting pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(1) to discuss the potential hiring of a temporary employee to assist with Clerk duties until a new clerk is hired, and/or assist in the transition to a new Clerk. Following the closed meeting the Town Council may take action related to the matter identified in the motion to go into closed meeting.
Urbanna Town Council
Notice of Special Meeting
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 1:00 P.M.
Mayor William Goldsmith has called a Special Meeting for Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 1:00 P.M. at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street in Urbanna, Virginia. The purpose of the meeting is to go into closed meeting pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-3711(A)(1) to conduct an interview for the position of Clerk and have related discussion, as well as to discuss the potential hiring of a temporary employee to assist with Clerk duties until a new clerk is hired, and/or assist in the transition to a new Clerk. Following the closed meeting the Town Council may take action related to the matters identified in the motion to go into closed meeting.
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Finance Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Finance Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Monday, November 18, 2024 at 10:00am. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Town of Urbanna
Personnel Committee
Notice of Meeting
November 12, 2024
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 9:00am. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Southside Sentinel, located at 276 Virginia Street, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
After the meeting has been called to order, the committee will enter into a Closed Meeting pursuant to Section §2.2-3711(A)(1), Code of Virginia for the following purpose: assignment/performance of Town Administrator, Treasurer, Water Operations Manager, Marina Manager, and Public Works Staff and resignation of Town Clerk. Interview candidate for Town Clerk Position
Please contact Ted Costin, Town Administrator, with any questions. 804.758.2613.
October 30, 2024
November 7, 2024-Edited to add Interview candidate for Town Clerk position.
Notice of Public Hearing
Urbanna Planning Commission
Urbanna Planning Commission
Please take notice that the Urbanna Town Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, November 14, 2024 beginning at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA 23175 to consider the following:
AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (2024 SUP Application 04) submitted by William Glenn – The Warning Track, Inc. to allow for a Recreational Facility per Section 17-4.6.3 (9) of the Town of Urbanna Zoning Ordinance at 271 Prince George Street which is within the B-1 general commercial zoning district (LOT 20A-21-47 which consists of +/-1/10 acre)
All persons are invited to attend and express their views. Any person requiring assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Urbanna Town Clerk, Christine Branch, at (804) 758-2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
A copy of the application for the special use permit and other documents are available for review at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA 23175 or by contacting Ted Costin at (804)758-2613 or t.costin@urbannava.gov.
Southside Sentinel run: October 31 and November 7, 2024
Notice of Public Hearing
Urbanna Planning Commission
Urbanna Planning Commission
Please take notice that the Urbanna Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 beginning at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA 23175 to consider the following:
AN APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (2024 SUP Application 04) submitted by William Glenn – The Warning Track, Inc. to allow for a Recreational Facility per Section 17-4.6.3 (9) of the Town of Urbanna Zoning Ordinance at 271 Prince George Street which is within the B-1 general commercial zoning district (LOT 20A-21-47 which consists of +/-1/10 acre)
All persons are invited to attend and express their views. Any person requiring assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Urbanna Town Clerk, Christine Branch, at (804) 758-2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
A copy of the application for the special use permit and other documents are available for review at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA 23175 or by contacting Ted Costin at (804)758-2613 or t.costin@urbannava.gov.
Southside Sentinel run: October 31 and November 7, 2024
Town of Urbanna
Personnel Committee
Notice of Meeting
November 12, 2024
Personnel Committee
Notice of Meeting
November 12, 2024
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 9:00am. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Southside Sentinel, located at 276 Virginia Street, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
After the meeting has been called to order, the committee will enter into a Closed Meeting pursuant to Section §2.2-3711(A)(1), Code of Virginia for the following purpose: assignment/ performance of Town Administrator, Treasurer, Water Operations Manager, Marina Manager, and Public Works Staff and resignation of Town Clerk.
Please contact Ted Costin, Town Administrator, with any questions. 804.758.2613.
POSTED: October 30, 2024
Town of Urbanna 2024 Tax Notice
The 2024 Town of Urbanna annual Real Estate tax bills and Personal Property tax bills have been mailed. The due date for payment of these bills is Thursday, December 5, 2024. By law, payments made in the Treasurer’s Office or postmarked with the date of Thursday, December 5, 2024 or before will be accepted as timely. Accounts remaining unpaid after December 5, 2024 will be subject to additional charges as provided by the Code of Virginia. Please check your bills for completeness upon receipt. By law, failure to receive a bill does not relieve the taxpayer of any additional charges that will accrue for failure to pay by the due date.
The Treasurer’s Office is located at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA. For your convenience, a drop box for 24-hour payment service is also available at this location. The Treasurer’s office will be open Monday through Friday to the public. Staff will be available to collect payments during normal business hours of 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. You may pay your taxes in person with cash, check, money order, debit or credit card (There are fees associated with paying your bill online. If you pay by ACH or e-check, there is a $1.95 convenience fee. The fee for all debit and credit card payments will be approximately 2.95% of your total bill.).
To pay online at https://www.urbannava.gov/pages/taxes.
Questions: If you have questions, please contact the Treasurer’s office at (804) 758- 2613.
Employment Opportunity
Town of Urbanna, Virginia
Town Clerk
Town of Urbanna, Virginia
Town Clerk
This full-time position performs duties authorized by the Town Council and Town Administrator to include preparing for and attending meetings, preparing meeting minutes, maintaining records as office manager, and assisting citizens in a professional and courteous manner. Primary work site will be the town office. Computer literacy with proficiency in MS Office Suite and Adobe Acrobat is highly desired as is knowledge of municipal government operations. Opportunity for growth and development exists. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. The position is open until filled. If interested, please submit a resume and Town of Urbanna Employment Application which, together with a complete and current position description, is available from the town’s office (390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA 23175) or by contacting Ted Costin, Town Administrator at (804) 758-2613 or t.costin@urbannava.gov or via the town’s website: www.urbannava.gov.
Click here for the complete job description.
The Town of Urbanna is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Block Advertisement: October 31 and November 7, 2024.
Town of Urbanna
Public Notice 2024 Oyster Festival
Street and Parking Restrictions
Public Notice 2024 Oyster Festival
Street and Parking Restrictions
The Virginia Department of Transportation has approved the following 2024 Urbanna Oyster Festival Street and Parking Restrictions pursuant to Resolutions 2024-RES-003 and 2024-RES-004 of the Urbanna Town Council:
Parking Restrictions
Parking restrictions will be in effect within the corporate limits of the Town of Urbanna between 2 a.m., Friday, November 1, 2024 and 11 p.m., Saturday, November 2, 2024 in order to ensure pedestrian safety, safe movement of police, fire and rescue vehicles as well as safe parade operations. Certain streets may be opened for parking earlier than 11 p.m. Saturday, depending on the progress of cleanup crews.
No Parking areas will be designated as Tow Away Zones and towing will be at the owner’s expense. The no parking-tow away zones for both sides of the streets in Urbanna include:
Urbanna Rd from the bridge to the Watling St intersection. Watling St from its intersection with Urbanna Rd at the traffic triangle to Cross St. Cross St from its intersection with Watling St all the way past the Marston Ave intersection. Prince George St from Cross St to Virginia St. Virginia St east from Waverly Rd to Oyster Rd. Marston Ave from Cross St to Rappahannock Ave. Rappahannock Ave south from the Marston Ave intersection to Virginia St. Marston Ave east from Cross St to first house on each side of street. Bonner St west from Rappahannock Ave to Linden Ave. Grace Ave from Bonner St to Virginia St. Park St from Rappahannock Ave to Linden Ave. Upton Ln by the Post Office, Hilliard St, Rappahannock Ave, Cross St, Oyster Rd, Prince George St and Kent St in their entirety.
Urbanna Street Restrictions
Other Restrictions: On Friday, November 1, and Saturday, November 2, 2024, law enforcement authorities may close selected streets to routine traffic as crowd and public safety actions dictate.
Town Entrance Restrictions
Friday, November 1, 2024, vehicular traffic entering or leaving the Town will be prohibited beginning at 5 p.m. on the west side (Route 602) in the vicinity of Lord Mott Road and beginning at 6 p.m. on the east side (Route 227) in the vicinity of Rosegill for the Fireman’s Parade. These Routes will be closed to all traffic attempting to enter the Town of Urbanna except to facilitate the movement of police and emergency vehicles. The Town of Urbanna will remain closed until 9 p.m. or later depending on pedestrian traffic.
Saturday, November 2, 2024, 9 a.m. or earlier if deemed necessary by law enforcement authorities, State Route 227 (Urbanna Road) will be closed in the vicinity of the Molly’s Way, and State Route 602 (Virginia Street) will be closed in the vicinity of Red Hill Drive. These Routes will be closed to all traffic attempting to enter the Town of Urbanna except to facilitate the movement of police and emergency vehicles. The Town of Urbanna will remain closed until 8 p.m. or later depending on pedestrian traffic. At any time, law enforcement authorities may temporarily close the Town to routine traffic as crowd and public safety actions dictate.
Parade Routes and Times
The Friday, November 1, 2024, Fireman’s Parade will begin at 7 p.m. and commence east on Virginia Street from the area of the Urbanna Professional Center, left on Grace Street, right on Bonner Street, left on Rappahannock Avenue, right on Marston Avenue, right on Cross Street, right on Virginia Street to a disband area where the parade began. The Saturday, November 2, 2024, Oyster Festival Parade will begin at 2 p.m. and will commence east from the staging and formation area at the Waverly Commons Office Building on Virginia Street, left on Grace Street, right on Bonner Street, left on Rappahannock Avenue, right on Marston Avenue, right on Cross Street, right on Prince George Street, left on Virginia Street to the disband area where the parade began.
In Observance of Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Town Hall and The Oyster Festival Offices
Will Be Closed Monday, October 14, 2024
Town Hall and The Oyster Festival Offices
Will Be Closed Monday, October 14, 2024
Town of Urbanna Notice
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 9:00am. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Southside Sentinel, located at 276 Virginia Street, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
After the meeting has been called to order, the committee will enter Closed Meeting Pursuant to Virginia Code §2.2-3711(A)(1) for the discussion…of performance…salaries…of employees of any public body. -Ted Costin, Town Administrator.
Please contact Ted Costin, Town Administrator, with any questions. 804.758.2613.
POSTED: September 5, 2024
Town of Urbanna Notice of Special Meeting
September 6, 2024
September 6, 2024
The Mayor of the Town of Urbanna has called a special meeting for Friday, September 6, 2024 at 9:00am in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street in the Town of Urbanna for the purpose of entering closed meeting pursuant to Virginia State Code 2.2-3711(A)(3) for the discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose because discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body – purchase of 390 Virginia St./Tax Map 20-26, in Middlesex County, Virginia, from Thurston Properties, LLC.; and 2.2-3711(A)(8) consultation with legal counsel employed regarding specific legal matters requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel - purchase of 390 Virginia St./Tax Map 20-26, in Middlesex County, Virginia, from Thurston Properties, LLC.
POSTED: September 3, 2024

Urbanna Town Hall
Oyster Festival Offices
Will be closed
Monday, September 2nd.
Oyster Festival Offices
Will be closed
Monday, September 2nd.
Town of Urbanna Water Committee Meeting Canceled
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Urbanna Planning Commission, scheduled for July 24, 2024 has been canceled.
The next scheduled meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 11:00am at the Town of Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.

Town of Urbanna
Public Notice
Public Notice
To accommodate Swim Meets on July 9 and July 16, The Marshall Community Pool at Taber Park will close at 5pm.

The Urbanna Town Marina Boat Ramp will be closed on Saturday, July 6th for the Independence Day Celebration on the waterfront.
Road Closure: From the intersection of Cross St and Virginia St to the Town Marina will be closed on July 6th from Noon to 8 PM for the Town of Urbanna's Independence Day Celebration.
Also, if you are parked at the Town Marina prior to noon, you will not be able to leave until the road reopens Please plan accordingly.
Town of Urbanna
Road Closure
Road Closure
From the intersection of Cross St and Virginia St to the Town Marina will be closed on July 6th from Noon to 8 PM for the Town of Urbanna's Independence Day Celebration.
The Boat Ramp will also be closed. If you are parked at the marina prior to noon you will not be able to leave until the road reopens Please plan accordingly.
Town of Urbanna
Water Committee
Meeting Cancelation Notice
Water Committee
Meeting Cancelation Notice
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Urbanna Planning Commission, scheduled for June 26, 2024 has been canceled. The next scheduled meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at 11:00am at the Town of Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.
Town of Urbanna Planning Commission
July Meeting Rescheduled for July 23, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Urbanna Planning Commission, scheduled for July 9, 2024 has been rescheduled for July 23, 2024 at 6:00pm, in Council Chambers, located in the Town of Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.

FREE EVENT sponsored by the Town of Urbanna
ALL AGES WELCOME! ~ Bring coolers and chairs
Thursday, July 4th at Taber Park 425 Bonner Street
Noon to 4pm Music by DJ Hammer Kids Rock Climbing Wall, Foam Party, corn hole contest, hula hoop contest!
Bring your bathing suits!
The Marshall Community Pool will be open! Day passes are available for purchase to non members.
5pm to 9pm The Bristow Pavilion
Live music with The Michael Clark Band
Saturday, July 6th - at Urbanna Town Marina 210 Oyster Road
Noon to 3pm Music by DJ Wayne Jesse
Kids Water Slide
3pm Live Jazz with The David Esleck Trio featuring Jordan Garrett Sponsored by the Richardson Trust
4pm Boat Parade Eric Faudree will MC
5pm to 8pm Live Music with Party Band, Dance Candy
Ron Joseph Strawberry Street catering food truck will be there both days!
Street Resurfacing Notice for the Residential Streets of Urbanna
VDOT’s plan to resurface residential/subdivision level streets within town limits had previously been made public with VDOT officials informing town council. Since that time town staff was advised the project was slated to begin in July.
We have now learned the project will begin within town limits tomorrow, June 14th.
The project will take place in two phases. In the first phase, the contractor, Whitehurst Paving, will put down a chip seal. This should take about five days. In the second phase, another contractor will put down a slurry seal. While we do not have a date for the second phase to begin, we would expect it to start in 2-3 weeks.
Based on the information provided by the contractor, this is the phase one schedule as we know it. As the contractor notifies the town office of their schedule for which streets they will be working on, we will pass that information on to you.
Friday, June 14th
- Watling St. (from Cross St. to private drive)
- Watling St. (from Urbanna Rd. to end at URBBY)
- Virginia St. (from Cross St. to Oyster Rd)
- Oyster Rd. (in front of condos)
Monday, June 17
- Prince George St.
- Grace Ave.
- Hillard St.
- Park St.
- Bonner St.
- Linden Ave.
Please keep in mind this may change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
“No Parking” signs are supposed to be placed in advance by the contractor, but please be mindful to not park on these streets on those days.
Thank you.
Click Here to see map with paving locations
Town of Urbanna
Finance Committee
Meeting Cancelation Notice
June 3, 2024
Finance Committee
Meeting Cancelation Notice
June 3, 2024
The Finance Committee meeting scheduled for today, Monday, June 3, 2024 has been canceled. Please note, future meetings of the Finance Committee will be held on an as needed basis, with notice being posted on the Town website. Contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
A public hearing will be held by Town Council on Thursday, June 13, 2024, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia, to receive comments on Ordinance No. 2024-04.
Residential and Commercial Water/Sewer Rate Schedule
In-Town Water Rates:

The ordinance is available for public inspection weekdays from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA, 23175. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the meeting to provide comments. Any person with a disability who requires assistance to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact Christine Branch at c.branch@urbannava.gov or 804-758-2613 in advance of the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
Town of Urbanna Notice
It has been observed that persons are traveling with infants and children in golf carts in an unsecured manner. Please remember, Urbanna is a Golf Cart Community recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia but that requires adherence to all motor vehicle laws to include the use of safety restraints appropriate for an infant or child. Failure to adhere to this requirement subjects the operator to law enforcement action.
Town of Urbanna
Personnel Committee
Notice of Meeting
May 23, 2024
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at the offices of the Southside Sentinel, located at 276 Virginia Street, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
After the meeting has been called to order, the committee will enter Closed Meeting.
Please contact Ted Costin, Town Administrator, with any questions. 804.758.2613.
POSTED: May 20, 2024
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Water Committee Meeting
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Water Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 11:00am. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Special Meeting
April 17, 2024
The Mayor of the Town of Urbanna has called a special meeting for Wednesday, April 17, 2024, at 12:00pm in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street in the Town of Urbanna for the purpose of executing a resolution regarding the purchase of 390 Virginia St./Tax Map 20-26, in Middlesex County, Virginia, from Thurston Properties, LLC.
POSTED: April 12, 2024
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Water Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Water Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 11:00am. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Town of Urbanna Planning Commission
Meeting Canceled
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Urbanna Planning Commission, scheduled for March 12, 2024 has been canceled.
The next scheduled meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, located in the Town of Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Finance Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Finance Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Monday, January 29, 2024 at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Urbanna
Please take notice that the Urbanna Town Council will hold two public hearings on Thursday, January 25, 2024, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna VA 23175 to consider the following applications:
FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (2023 SUP Application 04) submitted by Marnie Hart to allow for the keeping of a miniature pony pursuant to Town Code Section 17-4.2.3 (17) at 301 Kent Street (Lot 20A-2-23) which consists of +/-1.26 acres and is used as a residence in a residential (R-1) zoning district.
FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT (2023 SUP Application 05) submitted by Jay Wolfson on behalf of Small Town Burger to operate a restaurant by means of a permanently located food trailer with outside tables and seating pursuant to Town Code Section 17-4.6.3 (41) at 241 Virginia Street (Lot 20A-18-G) which consists of +/- .731 acres and is a vacant lot in a commercial (B-1) zoning district.
All persons are invited to attend and express their views. Any person requiring assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Urbanna Town Clerk, Christine Branch, at (804) 758-2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made. The application files are available for review at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Urbanna VA 23175 or by contacting Ted Costin at (804) 758-2613 or t.costin@urbannava.gov.
Southside Sentinel run: January 11 and January 18, 2024
Town Hall, DMV Select and the Oyster Festival Office
will be closed
Monday January 15
In Observation of:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Meeting on January 11, 2024
The Urbanna Town Council will have a meeting on Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, in the Town of Urbanna, for the purpose of establishing the 2024 Town Council meeting calendar and other administrative and organizational tasks.
POSTED: January 5, 2024
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Special Meeting on November 30, 2023
The Mayor of the Town of Urbanna has called a special meeting for November 30, 2023 at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street in the Town of Urbanna for the purpose of hiring a Town Administrator.
POSTED: November 27, 2023
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Cancellation of November 9, 2023 Meeting
Notice of Special Meeting on November 16, 2023
The November 9, 2023 regular monthly meeting of the Urbanna Town Council has been canceled and rescheduled for November 16, 2023 at 6:00PM. The Mayor of the Town of Urbanna has called a special meeting for November 16, 2023 at 6:00PM in the Council Chambers at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street in the Town of Urbanna for the purpose of conducting the regular monthly business meeting of the Urbanna Town Council.
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Special Meeting
The Mayor of the Town of Urbanna has called a special meeting for October 30, 2023 at 1:30PM at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St, Suite B, Urbanna, VA 23175. Following the closed meeting at 1:30PM the Council will recess until 6:00PM. The purpose of the meeting is to go into closed meeting for the purpose of discussion and interviewing of candidates for the position of Town Administrator. It is not anticipated that there will be any public discussion or action following the closed meeting.
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Personnel Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Friday, September 29, 2023, at 3:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Town of Urbanna
Project Funding Committee
Regular Meeting Schedule
Beginning Monday, September 25, 2023, the Town of Urbanna’s Project Funding Committee will hold regularly scheduled meetings every Monday at 4:00pm at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B. Meetings will not be held on Mondays on which a federal, state, or local holiday are observed.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Urbanna Town Council at its regularly scheduled meeting on September 14, 2023 that the September 28, 2023 meeting of the Urbanna Town Council shall be cancelled, and that, beginning in October of 2023, the Urbanna Town Council shall have one monthly meeting on the second Thursday of each month at Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, at 6:00pm; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution shall be posted on the door at Town Hall and advertised in the Southside Sentinel at least seven (7) days prior to October 12, 2023.
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Personnel Committee
The September 22, 2023 meeting has been canceled due to weather.
The meeting has been resceduled for September 29, 2023 at 3:30pm.
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Friday, September 29, 2023 at 3:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.

Halloween will be celebrated in the Town of Urbanna on Tuesday, October 31st starting at dusk. Residents wishing to accept the little ghosts and goblins should have their porch light on. We ask everyone to be respectful, be safe and have a great time!.

The Christmas parade is now on Saturdays! Festivities start at the Fire House at 4:30pm with good food provided by the Woman’s Auxiliary. At 7pm the Mayor cuts the ribbon and the parade begins. After the parade children are invited to the free Santa Party. Family fun for all!
Want to participate? Click Here.
Public Notice
Urbanna Planning Commission
Urbanna Town Council
2022 Annual Water Quality Report for
The Town of Urbanna
Middlesex County
This Water Quality Report for calendar year 2022 is designed to inform you about your drinking water quality. Our goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water, and we want you to understand the efforts we make to protect your water supply. The quality of your drinking water must meet state and federal requirements administered by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
Don't forget, the Marshall Community Pool Grand Opening will take place tomorrow, Saturday, May 25th at 11:30am.
T-Boyee's Cajun/Creole Cuisine will be there serving up deliciousness!
Meeting Notice
Town of Urbanna
Project Funding Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Project Funding Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 4:00pm. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Meeting Notice Town of Urbanna Personnel Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 10:00am. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Meeting Notice Town of Urbanna Personnel Committee
A meeting of the Town of Urbanna’s Personnel Committee has been called by Mayor William Goldsmith to be held Monday, August 14, 2023 at 2:30pm. The meeting will be held at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175.
Please contact Town Hall with any questions, 804.758.2613.
Urbanna Town Council July Monthly Meeting
The regular monthly meeting, scheduled for July 27, 2023, of the Urbanna Town Council has been canceled.
The next scheduled meeting is the monthly work session scheduled for Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, located in the Town of Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Urbanna Planning Commission, which met on July 11, 2023, will reconvene its meeting on Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 7:00pm at the Urbanna Town Hall, located at 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, VA 23175. While public comment will not be taken during the meeting, please contact the Urbanna Town office with any questions, 804.758.2613 or if anyone with a disability requires an accommodation to attend the meeting.
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
Banner Sponsors
Dear Banner Sponsor,
The Town cordially invites you to the Hometown Hero Banner dedication at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 23, 2023. The event will take place at the Urbanna Fire Station. We have a program planned to honor our veterans that includes guest speakers, music, and recognition of all sponsors.
This year, we are organizing a golf cart run to kick off the program. Any veteran that would like to ride in the parade, please contact Maribel at (804) 577-1122 to reserve your seat. Line-up will be at 4:30 p.m. at the Urbanna Baptist Church, 121 Watling Street, and the parade will proceed to the fire station. 2022 banners will be returned to sponsors at the dedication program. If you are unable to attend, you may retrieve your banner from Town Hall after June 23rd.
Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions regarding the program at (804) 758-2613 or email m.hutton@urbannava.gov.
I am excited and look forward to seeing each and every one of you, your family, and your friends at the dedication.
Thank you,
Michele C. Hutton

Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
The Urbanna Town Council will hold a public hearing on June 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Urbanna Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175 to receive public input on the proposed Voluntary Boundary Line Agreement between the Town of Urbanna and Middlesex County. The proposed voluntary boundary line adjustment is as shown: adopting an agreed boundary line as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING URBANNA TOWN COUNCIL The Urbanna Town Council will hold a public hearing on June 8, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Urbanna Town Hall located at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia 23175 to receive public input on the proposed Voluntary Boundary Line Agreement between the Town of Urbanna and Middlesex County.
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
A public hearing will be held by Town Council on Thursday, June 8, 2023, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia, to receive comments on Ordnance No. 2023-02.
Residential and Commercial Water/Sewer Rate Schedule
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
Pursuant to §15.2-2506, Code of Virginia (1950), public notice is hereby given that the Urbanna Town Council shall conduct a public hearing on June 8, 2023 at 7:30 PM in the Council Chambers at 390 Virginia Street. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment on the proposed FY2023-2024 Budget for the Town of Urbanna.
Town of Urbanna Public Notice
Notice of Well Construction
On or about April 3rd, Toano Well and Pump Services will begin drilling the Town of Urbanna’s new water well. Located adjacent to the Town water tower off of Laurel Hill Drive, this well is being dug per a mandate from the Virginia Department of Health.
Initially several trees will have to be cut and then equipment placed. The first phase of construction will last approximately 10 weeks. While every effort will be made to minimize noise, residents may experience some additional noise during this period. Please direct any questions or concerns to the Town Hall, 804.758.2613
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Joint Public Hearing
Urbanna Planning Commission
Urbanna Town Council
The Urbanna Planning Commission and the Urbanna Town Council will hold a joint public hearing on May 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, VA 23175, to receive public input on the following:
A copy of Ordinance No. 23-01 is available for review at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia St., Suite B, Urbanna, VA 23175. Written comments may be submitted. Anyone requiring assistance to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact Town Hall at 804-758-2613 prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements/accommodations can be made.
The Council of the Town of Urbanna will hold a public hearing on the proposed issuance of bonds by the Town pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-2606 of the Public Finance Act. The estimated maximum amount of the bonds is $1,056,000. The proposed use of the bond proceeds is to pay costs of capital improvements to the Town’s water system, including a new water well. The public hearing which may be continued or adjourned, and at which persons may appear and present their views on the proposed bond issue, will be held at 7:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, on December 15, 2022, before the Council in the Town Council Chambers, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B, Urbanna, Virginia.
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
The Urbanna Town Council will hold a public hearing on November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM to receive public input on the following:
Copies of the proposed ordinance is available on the Urbanna website at urbannava.gov and at the Town Hall of Urbanna at 390 Virginia Street, Suite B in Urbanna. For additional information, contact Garth Wheeler at 804-758-2613 or g.wheeler@urbannava.gov. Written comments may be submitted to the Urbanna Town Hall or email to Christine Branch, Town Clerk at c.branch@urbannava.gov, before the close of business on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.
If you wish to speak at the hearing, you may sign-up prior to the meeting in person or by contacting Christine Branch, Town Clerk. Anyone requiring assistance to participate in the public hearings is asked to contact Town Hall at 804- 758-2613 prior to the public hearings so that appropriate arrangements/accommodations can be made.
11.03 & 11.10.22
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
Please take notice that the Urbanna Town Council will hold a public hearing on Thursday, September 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 390 Virginia Street, Urbanna, VA 23175 to consider the following:
All persons are invited to attend and express their views.
Any person requiring assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Urbanna Town Clerk, Christine Branch, at (804) 758-2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
A copy of the application for the special use permit and other documents are available for review at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Street, Urbanna VA 23175 or by contacting Roy Kime at (804) 758.2613 or r.kime@urbannava.gov.
Town of Urbanna
Public Notice
Notice to owner/operators of real property in the Town of Urbanna Operated as Short Term Rental Units
Section 17-5.18(2) of the Town Code of the Town of Urbanna requires the owner/operators of any short term rental unit to file an application for a Short Term Rental Permit with the Zoning Administrator.
Copies of Section 17-5.18, the application form along with rules and regulations governing short term rentals may be obtained at the Town hall during normal business hours. Also available are required business license applications and lodging tax forms.
The required forms for existing short term rental units must be submitted on or Before April 31, 2021. No new short term rental unit are permitted to operate until the application process has been completed and a permit granted by the Zoning Administrator.
Town of Urbanna
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the monthly meeting of the Urbanna Town Council, scheduled for Thursday, August 25, 2022 has been canceled.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Urbanna Town Council will be their monthly work session scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 7:00pm, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.
Should you have any questions, please contact Garth Wheeler, Town Administrator at 804.758.2613 or g.wheeler@urbannava.gov, or Christine Branch, Town Clerk at 804.758.2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov.
Town of Urbanna
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the monthly meeting of the Urbanna Town Council, scheduled for Thursday, August 25, 2022 has been canceled.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Urbanna Town Council will be their monthly work session scheduled for Thursday, September 8, 2022 at 7:00pm, 390 Virginia Street, Suite B.
Should you have any questions, please contact Garth Wheeler, Town Administrator at 804.758.2613 or g.wheeler@urbannava.gov, or Christine Branch, Town Clerk at 804.758.2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov.
Town of Urbanna
Public Notice
Planning Commission-Special Use Permit Public Hearing
August 31, 2022
Town of Urbanna
Notice of Public Hearing
The Urbanna Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers, 390 Virginia Avenue, Urbanna VA 23175 to consider the application for a special use permit submitted by Oyster Road Docks, LLC, care of Lewis Hall, for a residential dwelling within a B-2 zoned area for lot 20A-1-113 (which consists of +/- .20 acres) on Oyster Road in the Town of Urbanna.
All persons who would like to comment on the special use permit request should attend the public hearing to express their views. Any person requiring assistance in order to participate in the public hearing is asked to contact the Urbanna Town Clerk, Christine Branch at (804) 758-2613 or c.branch@urbannava.gov prior to the public hearing so that appropriate arrangements may be made.
A copy of the application for the special use permit and other documents are available for review at the Urbanna Town Hall, 390 Virginia Avenue, Urbanna VA 23175 or by contacting Roy Kime at (804)758.2613 or r.kime@urbannava.gov.
Military Banner Recepients
June 24th the Town held a military banner dedication which included the American Legion Riders Post 86, Beth Justice sang patriotic songs, Opening prayer and benediction by Town Administrator, Garth Wheeler; Larry Chowning, Guest Speaker and Historian; and remarks from our Mayor, Barbara Hartley. The banners may be viewed on Virginia and Cross Streets and will proudly be displayed through Labor Day. After they will be taken down for the winter and placed back up for Memorial Day 2023.
Town of Urbanna
Public Notice
Town staff will be conducting property evaluations over the next several weeks, going street by street reviewing any potential Town code and ordinance violations including, but not limited to, buildings without required permits, unregistered or inoperable vehicles, trash and clutter, and tall grass.
Letters and photographs will be sent to property owners in violation of Town codes and ordinances. and staff respectfully requests these violations be remedied as soon as possible. Failure to comply with the code and ordinances may result in town officials taking all corrective actions permitted by law.
Please see the following reminders below.
Town staff have received concerns regarding trash in yards, tall grass and yard waste, broken down vehicles, and discarded appliances and fixtures on properties. If any of these situations apply to you, please make it a priority to clean up your properties as soon as possible. Our garbage collection contractor cannot pick up large bulky items. If you need assistance in arranging bulk disposal, please call the Town office at 804-758-2613.
Zoning and other Permits
This is a reminder that zoning and building permits are required for most outdoor structures and accessories, including all permanent swimming pools, sheds etc. Additionally, if your project is within the historic district, you may also require the approval of the Board of Historic and Architectural Review. To begin the permit process, or for questions please contact Roy Kime at r.kime@urbannava.gov or 804-758-2613.
Parking or storage of unregistered or inoperative vehicles see - Section 17-6.11 and 12 Occupancy of motor vehicles and miscellaneous facilities for residential purposes see- Section 17-3.8 Removal of garbage, refuse, and weeds or tall grass see - Section 6-1through 6.
Bay Transit
Excellent Opportunity for School Bus Drivers!
Bay Transit is seeking part time Trolley drivers for weekends from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Requires excellent driving records and customer service skills.
Please submit your Motor Vehicle Record with your application. You must have a valid Virginia CDL with a passenger endorsement, high school diploma or GED required, and be at least twenty-one years of age. A DOT physical is required. You will be reimbursed for the cost of the physical if you are hired. $16.50/hour
Bay Aging is an Equal Opportunity Employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, veteran, or disability status.
Please contact Pat Sanders, Operations Manager, at cell 804-339-1519, office 804-250-2019 ext. 1114 or psanders@bayaging.org.
Hometown Heroes Banner Program
The Town of Urbanna is proud to announce the Hometown Heroes Banner Program. The program serves as a tribute to recognize service men and women either from Urbanna or friends and family of Urbanna residents who have served or are serving our country in a branch of the military.
Please be aware of upcoming trash pick-up schedule changes
- Friday, November 5th-No regular trash pick-up due to Oyster Festival
- Tuesday, November 9th-Regular trash pick-up
- Friday, November 12th-Regular trash pick-up
The November 12th trash pick-up will be the last Friday pick-up until April 2022. Trash pick-up will continue on a weekly schedule of Tuesdays only.
For more information, please visit the Refuse Information page on the Town website.
Town of Urbanna
Public Notice
2020 Annual Water Quality Report for
The Town of Urbanna
Middlesex County
This Water Quality Report for calendar year 2019 is designed to inform you about your drinking water quality. Our goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water, and we want you to understand the efforts we make to protect your water supply. The quality of your drinking water must meet state and federal requirements administered by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
COVID-19 Update:
Get free at-home COVID-19 tests
Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests. The tests are completely free. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.
Order your tests now so you have them when you need them.
We encourage you to visit the site and order your free tests. Should you have symptoms in the future, you would be able to use the test to determine if you have COVID-19 or not.
Beginning August 16, 2021
Trash/Refuse collection
April through Mid-November (Friday after Oyster Festival)
Tuesdays & Fridays
Mid-November through March
Tuesdays only
The last day for curbside recycling pick-up will be Wednesday, August 11, 2021
For more details, please visit the Refuse Collection Information page
Public Notice
Urbanna Planning Commission
Urbanna Town Council
2021 Annual Water Quality Report for
The Town of Urbanna
Middlesex County
This Water Quality Report for calendar year 2021 is designed to inform you about your drinking water quality. Our goal is to provide you with a safe and dependable supply of drinking water, and we want you to understand the efforts we make to protect your water supply. The quality of your drinking water must meet state and federal requirements administered by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).